Do you remember the first time you got into planning and knee deep in planner stickers? If you were anything like me in the early stages, (and to be honest, still lol) I bought all the things and all the planners. More than half the year was decorated in beautiful spreads. I didn't waste a bad minute or a sticker! I used stickers and layouts as a way to unwind and get creative. It was a stress reliver for me and became a daily habit to the point where all my planners were full of pretty spreads and it was still January!
Take a look at one of my earlier spreads back in the day.
But over time, that excitement and newness wore off. Life got busy and my planner became blank empty pages. Pretty planning was an after thought and if I had the time, I'll do it. Months and months passed while my stash increased, yet my planners stayed empty. I lost my mojo! We can all relate to this, as it happens from time to time.
With everything, you need balance and breaks. Even with pretty planning. But at some point, you will want to get back into it. This part can be difficult when you' re in a rut and your routine changes. Here are some tips to help you get out of that planning rut and get back on track.
1. Start making lists
Keep it simple. Start jotting down your to do's in list format. This will get you into the routine. Brain dump and make a long to do list in a journal. Once you've done this, assign deadlines or dates to each to do, then add them in your planner. Use our functional stickers such as xquisite headers or our xquisite scripts to help you categorize your to do lists.
2. Designate a day during the week and a time slot to plan
I like to plan on Sundays and I make it part of my self care routine. The process of unloading your brain with all your upcoming tasks, while using functional stickers brings mental peace. Pick a day and time were you have minimal distractions and make it non-negotiable.
3. Look at your planner daily
It's one thing to plan weekly, but how do know you are on track with your goals unless you have a process for checking up? The best way I find to do this is to glance at your planner daily - 5 minutes maximum. To make this stick, attach it to a habit. For example, if you already have a habit of checking your email daily, add reviewing your planner to that routine.
4. Take your planner with you
Similar to tip number #3, out of site is out of mind. Make it a habit to carry your planner with you. If your planner is large or you have personal info in there, carry a smaller notebook or journal to jot down on the go ideas, appointments, and to do's and transfer them into your planner when you get home.
5. Watch plan with me videos
Plan with me videos helps you get motivated to plan. Many videos can provide you with new ideas on how to use stickers or ways to create layouts or other crafts. Take a look at my first plan with me video I made using our Wanderlust mini weekly kit. If you want to see more plan with me videos from me, please leave a comment below requesting them.
6. Create a planner space or room
Designate a space in your home for planning and crafting. This can be a simple as your kitchen table or as extravagant as a craft room. However big or small, use that space when its time to plan.
7. Find a planner bestie and share best practices
Planner friends can relate to your rut - the've been there. They can offer you advise on how they have gotten out of their planning ruts and help motivate you to get back on track. They also are great to help keep you accountable.
8. Join a planner group
There are several planner groups on social media you can join. Groups are often themed based on shops, planner type, planning style, culture or interests. Search <insert your interest> planners on social media and you will find a planner group that interests you. Planner groups are also a great way to make planner besties. In fact, I've formed amazing friendships from our Tribe. If you are not a member of our planner group XQuisite Soul Tribe, please join us here.
How do you get out of your planning rut? Leave a comment below and let us know.
I need to really get into making list more and assign one day and time every week to plan.
These are great tips! I definitely need to keep them in mind.